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I got softlocked for some reason

Deleted post

I watched the video

The place where you fight the boss has a barrier for some reason...

its very fun i found a glitch where u can go into the walls so u go in to the    void...


i really love how the game looks made in 48 hours this really is the best! although i hate how the buttons are mapped ;-;

good prototype ig.

Your knockback can push you into walls :(


This game walked so Dewdrop Dynasty can run

I cant get to the boss?


It is because the wall that stops the player stay in the boss room never gets removed upon death.

Android player😭

Very Difficult


This is outstanding for a 24 hour game. How did you make this game? Did you use a specific game engine or library? Outstanding. :)


he used construct. he has a yt, check it out (goodgis)


I know this is based off of Sky Pirate, but what is that?


I know you probably won't work on this again, but the controls really need some polishing.

But the game is outstanding, I like the boss fight and the fluidity of motion in the game.


great game but please switch z and x. Please

It's flying wat

the controls are super weird lol


Love your videos! Don't have a account so I can't subscribe. :(


I simply can't play a game without wasd sorry :/


Hey, there's a bug in your game!!! Why is the duck stuck in the wall??? Also, I'm playing in the browser!!!

yea me too



same, I somehow fell through into a void to, I was attacking the birds jumped and I think the birds knocked me back into the wall

Deleted 145 days ago

Still possible

im glitch the game, when fight 2 birds (or something) i teleport in to the wall and stuck, if i press z, i fall in to a black world

Same here!!!



Very Nice and cute game, but at the end I jumped on the boss, died and respawned but can't jump in the hole withit again. The music and grphic is very nice!


too long

TikTok user attention span

i hate tiktok

cool game but i fell thru the map


I love this ! And I just wanna say that your videos inspired me to start making games :)

Cookie jam 2021.1 - PLZ JOIN THE NEXT ONE v-v plz

What do with cutlass? :(

On a serious note though, this game is really good.

Aside from the 3 bugs I encountered the art is really nice as well as the movement options and the metroidvania aspect.

However, personally for me the best part is the boss fight. True, it is extremely hard, but it gives me Cuphead vibes where you keep on retrying the boss again and again to find the optimal route to defeat it.

I found in Stage 1 to attack it twice then move, and double jump over it when you reach a wall, and in Stage 2 to quickly attack him thrice before heading to a corner where he can't reach you, and for Stage 3 to just jump slash and hope you don't die.

I like games where the game challenges you to adapt to the enemy, and this one was fun, if not difficult at times. I really like the satisfaction of defeating a hard boss, which was made enjoyable in the Duck's movement mechanc and his long-range attack

Thanks for this fun little game!

Wait a second you can slash up and down?

Oh my, maybe I have done this all wrong lol


cool i clipped into a wall by attacking

The concept is solid and the results are incredibly impressive for just forty eight hours.  Everything is mostly intuitive.  And I could very easily see a more refined version of this level built into a fuller game.  Short burst levels with an end level boss, it's all great stuff!

If I could make a few notes:

1.  There needs to be more recovery time each time the player is hit.  Once they take damage, there should be a second or two when they're invincible because otherwise you can go from 3 bars to 0 in a second.

2.  The boss fight glitches often.  Either the path will be blocked off and you'll be stuck standing on mid air or if you reach the second phase and die, when you respawn at the checkpoint, he's already in the second phase which makes it impossible to even enter the boss arena without taking damage.

3.  There isn't enough grace period between the boss' attacks in his second phase where it feels manageable to dive through his attacks.  

Really nice work in such a remarkable turnaround time!

(1 edit)

The game is super fun but the controls aren’t that great

i'm really happy i found your yt channel and stumbled upon this game. love the art style!! this was very fun!! :D

This is great! New to programming. Im starting to make a Metroidvania in Construct 3. Only thing I have working right now is some character movement and the camera (somewhat). 


game good, control hard

how do I attack and jump?!?

late response but it says the controls in the description

what the heck!?!


I know that you said that like 3 months ago, and judging by your name, you are probably like 7 yours old, but it literally says the controls in the description.

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